How to Get Involved...
Below are our articles on the subject of How to Get Involved. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Acting Against Discrimination
Acting against discrimination means having the courage to help create a more equal and free society by standing up to those who abuse the human and civil rights of…...
Civil Rights Activism
Civil rights activism at work can usually be seen within large human rights organisations but individuals can make a real difference to stamping out the abuse of rights....
Civil Rights and the European Union
In December 2000 the European Parliament proclaimed the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU but eight years later this document is still not legally binding....
Coping With Bigotry
Bigotry should never be tolerated, it is can cause distress and misery for the victim and can be seen as a form of harassment and an abuse of rights....
Dealing With Discrimination in Bars and Restaurants
Although discrimination is against the law there have many media reports of people being discriminated when using bars, restaurants and businesses in the UK....
Enforcing Your Civil and Consumer Rights
Whenever a consumer purchases products or services there are certain civil rights that apply and the law can enforce these rights if legal action is taken....
FAQ: Your Information Privacy Rights and the Internet
Millions of internet users are giving out massive amounts of personal information to internet sites around the world every day with little concern over how this…...
Grass Roots Activism
Grassroots activism is politics at work at its most basic level, but the use of campaigns and protests can be an effective way to change policies and laws....
Joining a Civil Rights Group
Joining a civil or human rights group will be a major step towards ending the abuse of rights that occurs to others around the world on a daily basis....
Seeking Help With Civil Rights Issues
There are a number of sources of help and information when it comes to civil rights issues, and there are specific agencies that will deal with different civil rights…...
Seeking Help With UK Domestic Violence
Domestic violence in the UK is extremely common and victims should seek out the free help and advice that is available from many organisations, as we explain here....
Staging a Legal Peaceful Protest
Staging a successful legal, peaceful protest without police interference will mean being aware of the rights of assembly on a public highway and adhering to conditions…...
Standing Up to Hate Crimes
Standing up to hate crimes is the only way to obtain justice for the victims and to make the offenders aware that this type of crime will not be tolerated....
Volunteering Through Civil Rights Groups
Volunteering through civil rights groups is an excellent way to make a real impact on civil and human rights issues and there are a number of roles open to volunteers....