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Government & Legislation...

Below are our articles on the subject of Government & Legislation. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Airport Body Scanners a Breach of Privacy?
Airport Body Scanners a Breach of Privacy?
Body scanners are now being used in certain airports in the UK but they have brought about controversy due to their infringement of the public's right to privacy....
Challenging the Police
Challenging the Police
Public complaints against the police should be taken seriously by the police force and serious allegations can be taken to the criminal courts....
Civil Partnership Rights
Civil Partnership Rights
The introduction of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 gave registered same sex couples a number of legal rights that did not exist prior to this law....
Civil Rights and Security Issues
Civil Rights and Security Issues
The government has increased its security measures in Britain since 11 September 2001 but many of these measures can be seen as an infringement of civil and human rights....
Consequences for Refusing a Full Airport Body Scan
Consequences for Refusing a Full Airport Body Scan
Passengers who are selected at random to undergo a full body scan at airports have a choice of either complying with the scan or being banned from their intended flights....
FAQ: Are Smokers Losing Their Civil Rights?
FAQ: Are Smokers Losing Their Civil Rights?
With smokers now being refused employment by certain employers and with more government anti-smoking laws being introduced it looks as if smoker’s rights are rapidly…...
FAQ: UK Citizens and CCTV Privacy Rights
FAQ: UK Citizens and CCTV Privacy Rights
Around 4.5 million CCTV cameras are in operation in the UK and human rights campaigners claim this does not prevent crime but merely infringes on the rights of privacy....
Government Security and Privacy Issues
Government Security and Privacy Issues
The increase in government security measures is systematically eroding the privacy rights of British citizens and these attacks on privacy rights do look set to continue....
Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
The UK police have been granted the power to hack into the public’s personal computers and access private information without the need for a court warrant....
Rights If Detained by the Police
Rights If Detained by the Police
There are various rights and rules that must be followed by the police when they detain a suspect in custody and infringement of these rights can have legal consequences....
Stop, Search and Arrest Rights
Stop, Search and Arrest Rights
The police have recently been granted extra powers when it comes to stop, search and arrest but this does not mean they can abuse the public’s civil or human rights....
The 28 Day Pre Charge Detention Rule
The 28 Day Pre Charge Detention Rule
Britain has the longest detention without charge rule in the western world and according to human rights campaigners this rule breaches one of the founding principles…...
The Police and Your Civil Rights
The Police and Your Civil Rights
When it comes to the abuse of civil rights the police are not above the law and they can face legal consequences if they do abuse the rights of others....
The Right to Freedom of Speech
The Right to Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights but there can be consequences if these rights are not used responsibly...
The Right to Peaceful Protest
The Right to Peaceful Protest
British people do have a legal right to assemble on the public highway and mount a peaceful protest but the police have ever growing powers to control public protests....
Your Rights If Suspected of a Crime
Your Rights If Suspected of a Crime
The public have a number of rights if suspected of a crime and these rights begin with the stop and search procedure through to the detainment at the police station....