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Civil Rights and Human Rights

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 4 Sep 2020 | comments*Discuss
Human Rights Civil Rights Freedom

Civil right and human rights co-exist and are very much a part of one another. Both are designed so that people can live the lives they choose without fear of persecution, and these rights apply to every single person no matter where they live in the world.

Human Rights

Human rights can be described as the fundamentals on which our society has developed over the years.

Everyone should have the right to life and to their own personal beliefs and the right to make choices on how they live their lives. Basic human rights include:

  • The right to protection from torture
  • Protection from compulsory labour and slavery
  • The right to protection from discrimination
  • Freedom of expression
  • The right to marry
  • The right to a fair trail
  • The right to education
  • The right to protection of property

History of Human Rights

Human rights have been continually developed over many centuries but they received extra support around the world after World War II and the Holocaust atrocities. In 1948 the United Nations set out the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in order to make sure that these atrocities were not repeated in the future. This declaration set out a number of rights and freedoms that all people should be entitled to. This was the beginning of a number of more localised regional treaties being created such as the European Convention on Human Rights.

Civil Rights and Human Rights

At its most basic level there is really no difference between civil rights and human rights. The actual laws may differ from country to country but human rights can be seen as the bare bones minimum rights that individuals should have. Civil rights were fought and won over a great deal of time and again focus was placed on equality for all. The civil rights movement were the major force behind winning equality and the right to live without fear of discrimination of colour, race, religion, gender, age and disability.

The Basic Principles

Behind both human and civil rights are some basic principals. The principals allow humans to live their lives with dignity, equality, fairness and respect for each other. They also allow people to create their own independent lives without fear of discrimination or interference from others. Respect for each other and the community in which we live is another of the basic principles instilled by human and civil rights.

The Human Rights Act 1998

In Britain there are no actual civil rights law set out but Britain does subscribe to the Human Rights Act 1998. This act encompasses many of the civil rights that are implemented in the Civil Rights Act 1964 (USA) regarding discrimination and freedom of equality. The Human Rights Act 1998 sets out the rights that protect UK citizens under the European Convention of Human Rights. The European Convention of Human Rights was drafted with the help of British lawyers.

Restriction of Human Rights

Some human rights are not unconditional and some restrictions do apply. The right to protection from torture is an absolute right, but certain rights that have been set out are limited. For instance the right to freedom can be restricted if a person has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to prison. The right to freedom of expression can also be restricted if a person is found to be inciting racial hatred through their actions. This would be a necessary restriction of a right in order to protect the rights of others in the community.

Civil rights and human rights co-exist and compliment each other to make the world a more harmonious and equal place. This does not mean that all countries throughout the world abide by these rights and atrocities still do occur. But without these human and civil rights it would be easier for people and governments to apply discrimination and harassment to others without fear of legal consequence.

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My human rights have been breached by the uk justice system. I have been refused legal help, I’m being harrasersd and intimidated, there is a personal hate crime affecting our right to live and our freedom of speech has been denighed. We are jobless and soon homeless and can get no help from the government nor any solicitor because we are British. Advise please
Ed - 7-Feb-18 @ 6:05 PM
prizzy baby - Your Question:
Please contact me urgently. I need a legal advice

Our Response:
Sorry we cannot give indivual legal advice and in general we encourage people to share their issues here (without giving away any personal information).
CivilRightsMovement - 28-Jan-16 @ 10:18 AM
Please contact me urgently. I need a legal advice
prizzy baby - 26-Jan-16 @ 5:04 PM
Iam 30 year old my father was expired At the age of 16 then after my brother got govt job which my father was worked before but my brother didnt care me even he will not give permission to go outside and live independently other than that he was not so responsible to do home duties means my marriage but i want to get job want to go outside if i do late that opportunity will getoff but main reason is my brother nevr trust me its very panic horrible to live at home even i studied msc then wts the use i want advise sir plz help me out this drastuc situation and my mothet also helpless
Sirisha - 29-Dec-15 @ 5:14 PM
Advice please elderly mother and I were arrested and put into prison ordered byMP police brutalised us broke my arm we committed NO crimewe had NO court case NO charges ans NO legal representation. All so that the local council could steal our homewhich was a fully paid freehold and was NEVER a council property All my attempts to get answers are met with silence both by the police and the local council. We have rights why was this done to us
Sadsack - 16-Nov-15 @ 6:03 PM
Should there be controls on our borders?
KototoMalaka - 20-Oct-15 @ 1:21 PM
theres a group of family and close personal friends that have made allegations which are all fabricated and said by housing are asbo yet this supposed to be over 13 mths ago werent asbo then i would have an asbo order on me back then never did but landlords are deliberatly trying to get me out denied my legal right to respond to any of them,they put these from july 14 dec 14i wasnt told till 2 april 15 with a notice of possession i,m a sick disabled vunerable pensioner been in my assured tenancy for 15 yrs ive got severe depression and numerous other health issues,landlord has ignored myhealth problems and madefalse case i was never heard they refused me advocates had no help or support 4 15 yrs,landlord had no case but dictated the terms drop possession if i take an undertaking from the court i agreed as im in sheltered supported housing scheme this is severe injustice as gave me 12 mths of this new orderand not guilty of any of these i haven,t been out my flat since 19 june 15 as they,ll accuse me of saying or doing something even brought my 8 yr old grandaughter into it they are very vindictive and nasty old people as i,m just a bit younger i,m supposed to take whatever they want to dish please help me i,m really poorly asap
jojo - 9-Sep-15 @ 12:45 PM
Salman if you have decided to volunteer no one should stand in your way...they should respect your right and freedom to make your own choices
Rayan - 10-Mar-15 @ 11:18 AM
this is verygood answer i really had a good grade for piuting some fatcts out these answers
lele - 14-Aug-14 @ 10:02 PM
My civil and human rights are being violated by the Home Office. I work asvolunteer in Food bank. They said that I cannot do which is shame to society. Are we living in a Zombie society or human society.Please help me.
Salman - 25-May-14 @ 8:37 PM
!. What is the original purpose of LAW ? 2. WHAT IS BIRTH RIGHT 3.. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE ENDOWED BY THE CREATOR??? 3..If I am born a BLACK MAN; What LAW can protect my RIGHT to CHOOSE TO BE A WHITE MAN?
None - 25-Feb-14 @ 9:55 AM
Please contact me urgently. I need a legal advice.PLEASE.
joks - 11-Feb-13 @ 12:16 AM
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