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Re: Dealing With Discrimination in Bars and Restaurants
Hi I have a nut allergy (anaphalaxis). Today, I went for lunch with friends to a restaurant I had…
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
For anyone reading this I want to warn the public as much as possible. A lot of scams,cybercriminals…
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
If I could write a love letter to CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN and their incredible team, it…
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
Many of the recommendations are false, and it's difficult to determine which are trustworthy. They…
Re: Are Biometric Cards For Children's Dinner Payments Ethical?
Hi. The TruthTeller from England UK. And the following is some disturbing facts on UK…
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
I'm grateful for the growing awareness around online fraud, a topic I’m passionate about due to my…
Re: Civil Rights in the Uk
GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER JOURNALIST OWEN JONES IS A FAKE SOCIALIST Guardian journalist Owen Jones has been criticised for questioning Hamas'…
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
To everyone who has been a victim of cryptocurrency binary investment scams currently going on right…
Re: Police Computer Hacking Powers and Civil Liberties
Good day everyone, Have you been defrauded by deceptive scammers online? Are you seeking to recover…